Thursday 15 September 2011

Apologies for last nights practice cancellation.

Sincere apologies to all those who turned up for practice last night. As you know it was cancelled due to scaffolding left in the dojo which prevented practice. As this knowledge was not passed onto us we couldn't let people know in advance not to turn up using the blog, the forum, facebook or even by phone.
It was a disappointment made more frustrating as Sensei Needham from Bolton Kendo Club made the journey to practice with us. Also, it would have been Dave Parkes, who has been visiting us for the past few weeks from Oxford University, last practice as he will be leaving us and travelling to Japan to train. Thanks for your attendance and safe journey.
Lastly, there was lots to catch up on from the Bowden and I'll be posting the remaining links to the matches on youtube, though they are easily found now if you can't wait. Apologies once again and thank you for your understanding.

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