Crack open the new 2010 diary Auntie got your for Christmas as here are some new dates for January to jot down.
Wednesday 6th and 13th January are both Winter Kangeiko practices. These are used to shift some of that festive flab. So please come in comfortable clothes, no need for bogu, and any suburi bokkens you may have. Expect to work hard but have fun, hopefully no balloon balancing this year!
Kata returns on Monday 4th January in Crosby. Start the year with a New years Resolution to turn up and take part [sadly I have a prior engagement but I recommend you do as I say, not as I do]. Just so you know kata sessions tend to be more than just kata, there is a lot more explanation of how and why things work. You tend to get a lot more verbal instuction than on a Wednesday night so you can learn a great deal that may be missed through action alone.
Our first beginners night of 2010 is Wednesday 27th January so please be prompt and no later than 7:10pm in the dojo. There's a lot to explain and get through before class can start and latecomers will have to face the shame of coming in on their own.
Lastly, a reminder that you should have renewed your BKA membership. There's an online option that's about as idiot-proof as you can get at Don't forget. Your liability insurance will be compromised without your BKA membership.
Have a good New Year!